2023 (Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies, University of Heidelberg)
- In fashion we trust: On the power of fabric and clothing in South Asia
2023 (Institute for the Science of Religion and Central Asian Studies, University of Bern)
- Shamanism and neo-shamanism in the Himalaya and Mongolia
2022 (Institute for the Science of Religion and Central Asian Studies, University of Bern)
- Lard and liquor: field research methods in the science of religion
- Kirāt religion through the ages: Portrait of the local religion(s) of the Kirāt-Rai in Nepal
2021 (Institute for the Science of Religion and Central Asian Studies, University of Bern)
- Eliade and Lévi-Strauss. In the original. Seriously.
2020 (Institute for the Science of Religion and Central Asian Studies, University of Bern)
- Ritual gestures, ritual acts and embodiment
2019 (Institute for the Science of Religion and Central Asian Studies, University of Bern)
- Introduction to the Science of Religion II
- Spirit Possession: concepts, theories, empirical cases
2018 (Institute for the Science of Religion and Central Asian Studies, University of Bern)
- Religion and Emotions: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches (together with Prof. Dr. Andrea Rota)
- Dance in the religious traditions of the Himalaya, Tibet and Mongolia
2018 (Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bern, in collaboration with Bern University of the Arts, HKB)
- Summer School: Ethnographic drawing in practice and theory
2018 (Central Asian Seminar, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University Berlin)
- Shamans and Neoshamans in Nepal (Erasmus exchange teaching)
- Drawing as visual research method
2017 (Institute for the Science of Religion and Central Asian Studies, University of Bern)
- Qualitative-empirical research on religion: Field research and participant observation (AWARDED for excellent teaching)
- Introduction to the Science of Religion I
2017 (Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bern)
- Drawing as ethnographic and analytic method
2016 (Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bern)
- Ritual efficacy put to test
2015 (Institute for the Science of Religion and Central Asian Studies, University of Bern)
- Rituals in the Himalaya in the mirror of the material turn.
2015/2016 (Seminar for the Study of Religions, University of Zürich)
- Basic courses in methods of social sciences: field research
2015 (Central Asian Seminar, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University Berlin)
- Ethnographic drawing (Erasmus exchange teaching)
- Ritual Specialists – Case Study Nepal (Erasmus exchange teaching)
2014/2015 (Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna)
- Comparative ethnography of dance in Nepal
2007 (Ethnographic Museum, University of Zürich)
- Advising-group for MA-students of Prof. Dr. Michael Oppitz
- Fashion and power
Four terms cycle 2003-2005 (Ethnographic Museum, University of Zürich)
- Myth and Object (including practica and exhibition “Jenseitswelten” / “otherworlds”)
2003 (Ethnographic Museum, University of Zürich)
- Secret societies
- Introduction to visual anthropology
2002/2003 (Ethnographic Museum, University of Zürich)
- ethnographic drawing
- Spencer und Gillen (by proxy for Prof. Oppitz)
- Portraits of local cultures: The Naga (by proxy for Prof. Oppitz)